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What is Tantra Massage Therapy and its Healing Benefits


Updated: Aug 9, 2024

There are many different approaches to Tantra Massage Therapy (or Tantric Massage Therapy) out there today. However, one stands out from the rest – the style firmly rooted in ancient tantric principles, which represents the most authentic methodology.

Discover what is Tantric Massage Therapy, its true purpose, and seven amazing – and mostly unknown – benefits.

What Is the Purpose of Tantra Massage Therapy?

Let’s face it, people have much to contend with in modern daily life. We are often overburdened with unhealthy lifestyles, environmental toxins, stress, health problems and disease, and many responsibilities. As a result, we become “heavy” (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and daily life reflects this. 

Depression and anxiety, overwhelming emotions, a disconnect from your sensual and sexual self, relationships troubles, hopelessness, feeling dissatisfied and unfulfilled in life are just some of the ways this heaviness can manifest.

In such a state, it is easy to forget we are almighty, all-powerful, and all-capable humans with enormous potential. We become disconnected from a deeper aspect of ourselves, lose faith and joy. The luster and miracle of being alive diminish greatly.

Additionally, it is safe to say that every human being has blockages these days. Blockages can be physical, energetic, emotional, mental, sexual, or psychosomatic in nature, and the root cause can vary depending on the individual. These are like imprints or invisible scars that can form from everyday repetitive habits and experiences, childhood events, painful memories, sexual trauma, a terrifying accident, domestic abuse, or deeply rooted psychosomatic issues.

Blockages feed information to your subconscious mind, which then dictates your conscious and outward actions and behavioral patterns. Oftentimes persistent life problems and patterns stem from suppressed or unresolved blockages that are expressing themselves in a covert way.

Authentic Tantric Massage serves to change all that. Because it utilizes powerful forms of energy it has the ability to touch you far beyond just the physical body (even though initially it starts there).

Think of this therapy like a professional, efficient, and thorough house cleaner that comes in and cleans a very dirty house that hasn’t been touched in years. The cleaner dusts the house and clears the cobwebs, unclogs the pipes, washes the windows, steam cleans the floors, and completely declutters the basement. Soon enough the house looks, feels, and smells like new.

In this metaphor, you are the house. The dust and cobwebs are the toxins and impurities that are floating around in your physical tissues. The pipes are your subtle energy channels that are blocked, impeding the free flow of energy. The cloudy, dirty windows are your emotions. The grimy floors can represent your mind, thoughts, and mental landscape. And the basement is the deep subconscious mind where all of your traumas, unpleasant memories, unresolved emotions, and unknown blockages reside.

Enter Tantra Massage Therapy, which clears out anything and everything that doesn’t belong to and isn’t truly you. It provides a total overhaul of your mind, body, and spirit and leaves you feeling confident, refreshed, rejuvenated, happy, optimistic, and spiritually inspired!

What is Tantra Massage Therapy?

First and foremost, Tantra Massage Therapy is an energetically based form of bodywork that begins with a hands-on approach and physical touch.

Practically, this means:

  • A tantric massage therapist is able to control the energy that is innately within him or herself as well as the energy within the receiver. External energy sources are also harnessed and utilized.  

  • Key energy channels and centers within the receiver are cleansed, purified, harmonized, balanced, and activated for maximum results.

  • Energy is aroused within the receiver and directed in a very specific way within the body. This produces healing, spiritual, and even orgasmic effects. 

Assuming authentic tantric techniques and principles are maintained, this sophisticated form of massage is very therapeutic in nature and can bring about miraculous healing effects.

It is most acclaimed for its ability to eliminate blockages of all kinds – physical, sexual, energetic, emotional, and mental – while restoring vitality, stamina, longevity, youthfulness, and vigor.  

The Tantra Massage benefits can extend far beyond even these. As a receiver, you can experience a remodeling of your entire being and can undergo a profound spiritual awakening that will transform your life in the most unexpected ways. 

In the tantric tradition, the human body is regarded as a temple, worthy of worship, sacred admiration, and… intense pleasure beyond imagination

What Does Tantra Massage Look and Feel Like?

It is important to understand that Tantra Massage is a whole-body experience. All aspects of your being and all parts of your body are addressed. Nothing is left untouched, even those parts of the body deemed “untouchable” and forbidden by government standards and modern social norms.

Tantra deems the WHOLE body as sacred including the genitals, breasts, chest, feet, head, fingers, and buttocks. The individual parts make up the whole. If there is tension, blockages, or imbalances in any part of the body, the whole body will be affected as a consequence. Everything is connected to everything else. This is a fundamental and universal law. 

This is what makes real Tantra Massage a unique form of therapy and bodywork – it is truly all-encompassing, holistic, and all-embracing

To fully benefit from all that Tantra Massage can offer it is important to first bring the receiver to a deep state of relaxation and calmness in the mind, body, and spirit

In this condition, you are more open to receiving and rapport can be built between giver and receiver. Also, the parasympathetic nervous system is activated which is the only state the body can turn on its innate healing mechanisms. 

In the beginning, Tantra Massage typically starts off as a hands-on practice where oil is applied, and the physical tissues are massaged from head to toe. Key trigger points are pressed to release energy and that energy is then directed in a precise way. The seven chakras are energized and aroused. 

Tantra Massage essentially unearths anything that is not natural or not beneficial in your being. It does so in a harmonious and gradual way. 

After multiple sessions, your energy channels will be cleaned and cleared more and more, and energy can start to flow freely and powerfully throughout your whole being. This is when the real magic happens.

When the energy starts to be dispersed throughout the entire body, you may start to respond energetically, and the full-body energy orgasm can be induced. Surprisingly, even this phenomenon is not an explicit sexual experience. It is very divine and sublime and extremely healing in nature. 

In its more advanced forms, Tantric Massage can be performed without physical touch and working with pure energy only. However, this does take some time and practice to achieve. 

7 benefits of Tantric Massage Therapy

Tantra Massage Therapy is a recognized tantric therapy that has gained considerable attention and acceptance lately as a notable, worthy, and effective modality. If authentic, it is very good for you and can provide long-lasting and positive changes on all levels of your being.

Here are seven benefits of Tantra Massage that you may find surprising:

Benefit 1: Tantra Massage for Healing

The health benefits of Tantra Massage are endless. By applying specific Tantra Massage techniques, your whole body is purified and cleansed. In addition, your energy system is re-educated on how to utilize powerful internal and external energy sources for health and healing. As a result, many chronic issues can be remedied entirely, including pain, disease, depression, sexual dysfunctions, emotional issues, and much more.

Benefit 2: Blockages are eliminated

Every human being has blockages. Because their origin is often unknown, it is important to release them in a carefully managed and gradual way. There are precise methods for doing so in Tantra Massage Therapy. Once they are alleviated safely and harmoniously you will be left feeling a great sense of relief, contentment, and unprecedented mental and emotional freedom. 


Benefit 3: Sexual dysfunctions are alleviated

Sexual dysfunctions generally stem from imbalanced and/or excessive sexual energy as well as from blockages. This tantric therapy deals directly with the sexual energy and restores balance, order, harmony, and purpose to this vital force within you. As a result, common sexual dysfunctions such as frigidity, erectile dysfunction, sexual aversion disorder, and premature ejaculation are naturally and holistically treated and eliminated.

Benefit 4: Realizing your full orgasmic potential

Contrary to popular belief, the pinnacle of a sexual experience is not supposed to be a brief and explosive moment of gratification that lasts only a few seconds, but rather an extended state of bliss that lasts for several minutes or even hours. 

However, when the sexual energy is strictly condensed to the area of the genitals only, the result is an outward orgasm which is superficial and unfulfilling. Authentic Tantric Massage Therapy awakens the sexual energy, retains it within the body, and then disperses and channels it throughout your entire being, making it possible to experience a whole-body energy orgasm. The therapy itself can help train the recipient to recreate this energetic response independently and without the massage, for instance, during sexual arousal and lovemaking.

Benefit 5: Loving your body

People criticize their body or appearance more often than praising it for the remarkable gift that it is. Tantra Massage, layer by layer, removes the shame, guilt, and self-critical views about your physical body that are trapped in the thoughts and emotions and brings about a newfound appreciation and admiration for all that you are. You will feel confident, reconnected, and fully embodied in the miraculous, intelligent, sophisticated vehicle and vessel we call the human body.

Benefit 6: Reaching fulfillment

Tantra Massage can bring about a whole new lease on life, liberation from the chains of the past, and a welcomed clarity for the future, which ultimately cultivates genuine joy, contentment, and fulfillment in life.

Benefit 7: Awakening the spirit

Tantra Massage Therapy was designed by modern tantrics as a bridge (not a path in and of itself) for modern people. It helps to prepare an individual for the higher tantric teachings and practices that might otherwise be out of their reach. 

It clears away everything that is not your true nature and inhibits you from realizing your massive human potential. Many people report experiencing a spiritual awakening as a result of this Tantra therapy. The veils of ignorance are lifted, and you gain a broader perspective about who you truly are and what your purpose is as a human being.

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